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Bus Tours

Heavy Metal Bus Tour

The Heavy Metal Bus Tour provides 10-12th grades with the opportunity to hear and see more career options in the manufacturing field.  Students will tour four manufacturing facilities and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities. Participants are welcome from all Manitowoc County High Schools.

Made Here Construction Bus Tour

To provide high school students from all across our county with the opportunity to hear and see more about the great career options in the Construction Trades.  Participants will tour three or four construction sites and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities.  The maximum number of participants for the event will be 60.  This is done in partnership with the Manitowoc County Home Builder Association.

Health Care Bus Tour

To provide high school students from all across our county with the opportunity to hear and see more about the great career options in health care. Participants will tour three or four health care facilities and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities.  The maximum number of participants for the event will be 30.  This is done in partnership with Northeastern Wisconsin Area Health Education Center.