Daylight Saving Time ends every year on the first Sunday of November, as clocks are set back one hour nationwide. This year, it will take place on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 2:00 a.m.
While Daylight Saving Time is meant to extend daylight hours and conserve energy, it also serves as a great reminder to check the batteries in your home’s smoke detectors. Batteries in smoke detectors should be replaced yearly, and there should be smoke detectors on every floor of your home (including the basement) and outside bedrooms or sleeping areas.
Although deaths and injuries from residential fires have decreased in the past several years, deaths from fires and burns are still the third leading cause of fatal home injuries (CDC). Seventy percent of these deaths are from inhaling smoke. Two-thirds of deaths from home fires occurred in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
Keep these tips in mind:
- If possible, replace smoke alarms with interconnected alarms. When one alarm goes off, the others will sound too.
- Smoke alarms should be in every floor of your house (including your basement) and outside bedrooms or sleeping areas.
- Test your smoke alarm monthly.
- Make sure your kids are familiar with the sound of the alarm.
- Choose the right smoke alarm.
- Plan a family escape route and practice it regularly.
- Learn how to use your fire extinguisher.