When you create a Facebook Page for your business, book or product, it is important to acquire “Likes” as quickly as possible. When you hit a minimum of thirty “Likes”, this enables you to see your tracking metrics and data through a specialized dashboard – your Facebook Insights. You will be able to analyze and track such data as demographics, gender and age, weekly “reach”, “Who’s Talking About This” and more.
But metrics aside, what does someone “Liking” your Page actually do for you?
A “Like” beneath one of your posts…
- Shows people that others are interested in and enjoy your content (social validity)
- Makes your post automatically appear on the liker’s Timeline (unless they have customized their privacy settings), exposing you to more “Likes”
- Gives you a notification on your Page that someone “Liked” your post
- Tells Facebook’s algorithms that your Page is important, and should be shared with more people
- Lets you know your post triggered an emotion or reaction in the person who clicked through on the “Like” icon. Above all, “Likes” act as an indicator towards content your audience finds most interesting. They can help improve your “reach”. And the greater your reach, the greater your social validity – not only with your followers and Friends but with Facebook too. The more popular your page, the more generously Facebook will allow it to be shared. Is it a popularity contest on Facebook? In Facebook’s eyes (or, more accurately, algorithms and filters) – yes! If you want to generate more “Likes” for your page, follow these simple guidelines…
Create Shareable Material
If you want people to “Like” your Page, it has to be interesting, engaging, fun, informative and, above all, shareable. When material is shared, it incites more “Likes” (so more people see it!)
How do you create these qualities? Make it all about your fans – not all about you and your company. This might seem like a contradiction since you created your Page strictly to promote your product, book or company, but it’s an easy strategy to implement if you keep your focus on:
- What your fans would most enjoy hearing about
- What would prompt them to eagerly share
For example, which news post do you think the fans of a Weight Loss Coach would be naturally eager to share: A post stating that the Weight Loss Coach…
- …is bored
- …has discovered a new, free, fitness app that is just what readers have been wanting
If you make a habit of focusing on what your ideal fan wants to see, you’ll inspire more “Likes”.
Putting “Likes” on Autopilot
So you are now focusing on sharing unique posts highly relevant to your target audience. You also need to make sure, of course, that you are posting regularly and consistently.
Making posting part of your daily life makes Facebook interaction a habit; a “no brainer” way to keep your little – or big – Facebook Page community alive and thriving. On top of that, there are other Facebook habits you can create that automatically add “Likes” to your Facebook Page.
Here are seven easy ways to put “Like-attracting” content on autopilot:
- Curate your page wisely
“Curating” refers to posting other people’s material on a website or – in this case – a Facebook Page. Usually curated content follows a strong theme; and only material supporting this theme is presented.
You can please your Facebook fans two-fold with curated content: You please the person whose post you present… and you please your own fans by getting across a subliminal message that you passionately care about – and read – content from others in your niche.
Letting your fans get involved in “creating” your Facebook Page content is a wonderful way to ensure they return frequently. It creates a community of engagement – and that means a culture of “Likes”.
(And speaking of creating, you also create a wonderful opportunity to gather even more likes from the curated poster’s unique followers.)
- Update your Cover photo frequently
Every time you update your Cover photo, Facebook automatically shares it with every follower of your page. Making sure your Cover photo is also original and engaging will ensure more shares – which gather you even more “Likes”.
- Share your page
Ask people to visit your Page and “Like” it on other sites you control, as well as other social networks that allow direct requests.
And on networks that don’t allow you to do so, be sure to provide properly-sanctioned links and share buttons for your Facebook Page anyway.
- Interact regularly
Don’t just post frequently and regularly – interact too. Answer questions, acknowledge replies and engage in conversations.
- Track your posts
This doesn’t mean simply tracking with Facebook Insights – pay attention to the number of “Likes” each post gets and analyze the ones that create high response.
See if you can figure out what stirred people to press the “Like” button. Not only will you be able to focus on creating more content along those lines, but you’ll get to really know the people you’re spending time helping every day.
- Be selective
Don’t post every thought that pops into your head. Instead focus on your audience and post content that is relevant.
- Run regular features
You are not limited to contests, however: If this is too much work, playing games such as the “Weekly Question” (e.g. “Now it’s time for our weekly question. How many people prefer vanilla milkshakes over chocolate?”)
You can also introduce, via third party apps, regular polls, quizzes or just about any “feature” you can think up.
- Bonus
Time-Saver: Okay, so let’s say you don’t have time EVERY day to create or curate posts. No problem. Just take 30 minutes during lunch and “schedule” several posts at one time. That way, you’ll be focused on the content for the entire week.
Wrapping it Up
A final word, however: All the tactics in the world will only go so far if you don’t start off from a solid basis – deciding on a clear goal for your Facebook Page; and knowing exactly who you want to attract (and why).
Starting off with these targets in mind will help you plan your posts for higher share-ability and “Like”-ability. It will also help you avoid posting material that can undermine your Page power (and kill “Likes”).
Create a strong personality for your Page, focus on what your ideal fan finds fascinating – and you’ll make the most of every strategy.
If you like this sort of thing, stay tuned for upcoming Chamber sponsored webinars where we talk about social media, positioning, marketing, and other business topics all of the time.
About the Author: Ken Ivey, affectionately dubbed ‘the Web Czar’ by peers – has been helping businesses embrace technology for 27 years. Contact Ken here: ken@livingwaterdigital.com or call 920-645-2700