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Meet Jill Yindra! Seeing a need in the Mishicot School District, Jill started the Mishicot School District Food Pantry….

Why do you love our County: I love Manitowoc Country for many reasons.  I work here, my family is from here, the beautiful lakeshore, my children attend school here and I can’t think of a better place to raise my children.  My passion in life is to volunteer and help others.  This community affords me so many opportunities to do what I love.

Positive Experience: About  three years ago I sat back and thought about what I could do to help our school and the families that need an extra boost.  Families that have fallen on hard times, lost their jobs, etc.  Right now our Elementary School has over 70+ families that need an extra boost.  Everyone knows food is critical to sustaining life. Why not make a food pantry. Sounded novel to me.  I immediately did some brainstorming, research and contacted Eric Nelson, our principal and Zach Sand, a second grade teacher and Head of our Snack Pack Program at school.  All I needed from them was the green flag and for them to back me on my idea.  I assured them this would be no cost to the school, it will serve itself, and they needed to find me a room for the pantry.

A small plan, eagerness for success we now have a pantry that has been servicing our school district since December of 2015.  Our school pantry is currently open once a month for two hours.

This pantry services all families who need it and attend either the Elementary, Middle or High School.  The pantry is not income based.  It’s simply there for those who need it. We all know, hard times don’t discriminate and can happen to anyone.

I can personally tell you, families who attend the Mishicot School District are blessed.  This community/county may be small, but they are strong. There is never a need or want that isn’t fulfilled.

Favorite thing about our area: I love the small town feeling.  Raising my children with the childhood I had. Playing with the neighbor kids until the street lights come on, feeling safe letting them bike, fish and walk though the village.  Letting them attend, “in my humble opinion” one of the best schools around.  Coaching my son’s fifth grade basketball team and having the sense of family with these boys and parents. Having fire trucks, parades, bands lining  main street to support your high school sporting event successes.  I truly feel this is an area where: neighbors, parents, teachers etc., all have a vested interest in raising children to be the best they can be.