Jr. Leadership Manitowoc County comprised of junior high school students from nearly all Manitowoc County High Schools such as, Manitowoc Lincoln, Manitowoc Lutheran, Roncalli, Mishicot, Two Rivers, and Valders.
Students attend one session a month covering multiple themes each month. These themes include topics like teambuilding, history and heritage, diversity, education, government, environment and health, human services, public safety and agriculture.
Students are also divided into teams and volunteer for various community-focused projects. This includes volunteering with community and service organizations, and helping with different charitable events.
Students interested in participating in the program must speak to their High School Guidance Counselors, to get the application during their sophomore year, as the Guidance Counselors recommend students for the program. Students must also apply and interview at The Chamber office for a chance to be accepted into the program.
For more information, check out the Jr. Leadership Manitowoc County Facebook Page.