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Meet Lucy-Ann! From feeling safe and able to grow as a young professional in Manitowoc County, the opportunities are endless….Learn why Lucy-Ann Think.Love.Play’s in Manitowoc County!

Question: Why do you love Manitowoc County?

I love Manitowoc because everything is within ten to fifteen minutes’ drive for me. Compared to Maryland where my family lives, Manitowoc has minimal to no traffic. I appreciate this community because, even though the population is predominantly Caucasian, I feel safe as an African American woman.

Question: Please share a (specific) positive story that you have experienced while living in Manitowoc County?

I was very surprised and impressed when I heard about the Voces de la Frontera and the Manitowoc Human Rights Coalition groups. These two groups collaborate to coordinate Stand Up To Racism events. Taking into account the demographics of Manitowoc, I assumed that people in such a small community are not considering the effects of racism towards its minority population.

Question: What’s your favorite characteristic about Manitowoc County?

My two favorite characteristics about Manitowoc are feeling safe and the lakeshore… I love the life I am building for myself as a young professional in Manitowoc. The size of the community makes it easy for me to get involved.