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Partners in Education

The Manitowoc County Partners in Education Committee seeks to collaborate with business, community and educators to support workforce development. The committee drives and coordinates a number of projects in Manitowoc County. For information regarding the following projects or to volunteer, contact The Chamber of Manitowoc County at (920) 684-5575 or Melissa at



This event is held for 4th and/or 5th grade students from schools across Manitowoc County as an opportunity to highlight the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math that are essential to the work being done right here in Manitowoc County. It will also help kids to see how what they learn in school is used in their own community.  This event is done in partnership with UW-Green Bay Manitowoc Campus.

Click Here for photos from STEM FEST 2024.


Ambassadors Scholarship

Provides financial recognition to students involved in the community and associated with a Chamber of Manitowoc County member.  A $1,000 scholarship is available for a student pursuing a 4-year degree.  A $500 scholarship is available for a student pursuing a 2-year degree.  The Ambassador Committee, sponsor of this scholarship, believes that leadership, community service, and the pursuit of higher education should be appropriately recognized and rewarded.

Click Here for application information (updated by early February each year).


Career Expo

Career Expo hosted 1,00 county wide sophomores at Lakeshore Technical.  Students from Brillion, Hilbert, Kiel, Lincoln, Manitowoc Lutheran, Mishicot, Reedsville, Roncalli, Two Rivers, and Valders have the opportunity to choose from twelve career cluster panel discussions to attend.  “Career Cluster” Chair people recruit over 95 volunteers from across Manitowoc County to speak to students about their respective careers and opportunities for the future. A day program includes career presentations and an employability workshop.  During the first two Career Clusters students discuss potential careers, skills required in the field, and the advantages and disadvantages of the careers. The third workshop focuses on employability skills.


Bus Tours

Health Care Bus Tour

To provide high school students from all across our county with the opportunity to hear and see more about the great career options in health care. Participants will tour three or four health care facilities and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities.  The maximum number of participants for the event will be 30.  This is done in partnership with Northeastern Wisconsin Area Health Education Center.

Heavy Metal Bus Tour

The Heavy Metal Bus Tour provides 10-12th grades with the opportunity to hear and see more career options in the manufacturing field.  Students will tour four manufacturing facilities and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities. Participants are welcome from all Manitowoc County High Schools.

Made Here Construction Bus Tour

To provide high school students from all across our county with the opportunity to hear and see more about the great career options in the Construction Trades.  Participants will tour three or four construction sites and be provided with the opportunity to hear from industry professional about career opportunities.  The maximum number of participants for the event will be 60.  This is done in partnership with the Manitowoc County Home Builder Association.


Reality Store

The Realty Store is a simulation game in which high school students identify their career interests, research a specific career, and receive a mock checkbook with the monthly income entered for the specific career.  Students then visit booths manned by community members at which they pay their monthly bills.  At each booth, students make decisions concerning the standard of living they’ll assume.

Interested in volunteering at this event? Check out The Chamber Events Calendar to view upcoming Reality Stores, and register to sign up to volunteer. It’s a lot of fun!


Jr. Leadership Manitowoc County

Jr. Leadership Manitowoc County comprised of junior high school students from nearly all Manitowoc County High Schools such as, Manitowoc Lincoln, Manitowoc Lutheran, Manitowoc Roncalli, Mishicot, Two Rivers, and Valders.

Students attend one session a month covering a different theme each month. These sessions usually include teambuilding, history and heritage, diversity, education, government, environment and health, human services, public safety and agriculture.

Students are divided into teams and will volunteer for various community-focused projects. This includes volunteering with community and service organizations, and helping with different charitable events.