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On September 18, the Safety Council hosted the 2nd Annual Lakeshore Worker’s Compensation Symposium at Lakeshore Technical College.  This half-day seminar focused on both prescription and illegal drugs and their effects in the workplace.  According to the Metro Drug Task Force Commander, “Unused medications are being used inappropriately, stolen or ending up on the street.”

Do you have old medications that you need to dispose of?  If so, do your part to keep our communities safe and clean by participating in a Manitowoc County Drug Disposal Program.  Participants may bring unwanted drugs and medications to these locations free of charge:

During Office Hours
Permanent Secured Drop Box
Manitowoc City Police Dept.
910 Jay Street
Manitowoc, WI


Two Rivers Police Dept.
1717 East Park Street
Two Rivers, WI

Also, coming up is the Crime Prevention Day, on October 18, at the Manitowoc County Expo from 10 am-3 pm where you can drop off  medications as well.