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Small Business Roundtable

The Chamber of Manitowoc County is pleased to invite you to a Small Business Owners Round Table discussion group designed for businesses just like you.

The roundtable will provide a comfortable and confidential environment for you as an owner to share ideas and discuss your business challenges.  The roundtable consists of 10 to 15 owners from Chamber member businesses in Manitowoc County with 25 or less employees.  Meetings will be held monthly on the third Wednesday at 7:00 am.  A typical meeting could include discussion on an issue such as business planning, marketing, or employees.

A successful roundtable can only be achieved when members are committed to the group.  This will be accomplished by regularly attending meetings, actively participating in discussions and maintaining complete confidentiality as you share business challenges and experiences.  Ultimately members of the group can expect to learn from one another as we build solid relationships as business owners.

As a valued member of The Chamber of Manitowoc County I hope you can join us for the roundtable discussions which will be mutually beneficial to all of those participating.  Please RSVP your attendance to or if you have any questions please feel free to call at (920) 684-5575.