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Young Professionals of Manitowoc County

Meet the Young Professionals of Manitowoc County!

Why do Manitowoc Young Professional’s choose Manitowoc County to live, work and play?

Manitowoc County offers many amenities a young professional may need and want in a community to live, work and play! To live in Manitowoc County, the cost of living is very affordable. A very attractive component when one is looking to start a career or family.

Manitowoc County is continuing to grow and offer attractive careers for young professionals. Manufacturing and Health Care are huge industry sectors in our area and have been leading our community for many years with new and innovative jobs!

The summer waves coming off of Lake Michigan has to be a favorite of Manitowoc County YP’s. It’s simply beautiful and the sunrises are to die for! We also have tons of festivals, especially in the summer. There is always something to do with family and friends!

Favorite thing about being a YP in Manitowoc County?

“In 2017, the Young Professionals of Manitowoc County planned over 15 events for YP’s to get involved in and experience Manitowoc County. These events ranged from a personal branding event to kayaking on the Manitowoc River. Our group continues to creatively serve the needs of the young professionals of our county with unique and exciting programming to help them connect, serve and grow as community leaders. We are excited for the great lineup of events that we have for YPWeek and beyond into summer, fall and winter!” – Stefanie Lighthall, Young Professional of Manitowoc County Committee Member & 2018 Chair 

Manitowoc YP’s focus on three keywords: Connect, Serve and Grow.

Connect: Meet like-minded individuals at events focused on fun, unique experiences and making connections.

Serve: Make a difference! Volunteer your time to a cause you are passionate about to make an impact on Manitowoc County!

Grow: Gain knowledge and skills for personal, professional and career development through a variety of trainings and workshops.

YPWeek –  April 21st – April 27th!

We invite you to connect, serve and grow with us during #YPWeek (dates April 21st through April 27th!)  YPWeek is a weeklong platform for discovery, adventure and meaningful conversations about the issues that matter among young professionals in Wisconsin. This year, with the support of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, YPWeek has expanded to 29 communities, over 60 different organizations, and more than 200 events statewide, all of which leverage the Think-Make- Happen organizing theme.

We have a great selection of events for this year’s YPWeek right here in Manitowoc County; don’t be shy we love seeing new faces at our events! Click HERE for event list and registration!