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Chamber Notebook Article:
Roncalli Catholic Schools – Pierside Auction

Set sail with the 39th Annual Roncalli Pierside Auction
It’s time to pull up anchor and buoy are we excited! The 39th Annual Roncalli Pierside Auction is returning with twice the fun! This year’s auction will offer both the in-person event this Saturday, April 29, at 5:30 p.m. at Roncalli High School, 2000 MIrro Drive in Manitowoc, AND the opportunity to bid online…

Roncalli Catholic Schools - Pierside Auction Chamber Notebook Article

Chamber Notebook Article:
Roncalli Catholic Schools -Wisconsin Singers

Wisconsin Singers, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s premier Broadway-caliber touring production, is taking the stage for its 55th season show, Something’s Coming! The group features captivating vocals, stunning choreography, the beloved eight-piece Wisconsin Singers band, and that ever-contagious Badger spirit all on one stage! This spectacular performance by UW-Madison’s most talented students will premiere at Roncalli High School for one afternoon only on Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m. This event is a must-see show that will entertain the entire family…

Roncalli Catholic Schools Wisconsin Singers

Chamber Notebook Article:
Miss Harbor Cities Organization, Inc.

The Miss Harbor Cities Scholarship Organization was formed in 2014 as a local preliminary scholarship competition to Miss Wisconsin and Miss America. The Miss America Organization is the largest provider of scholarship assistance to women in the United States, awarding millions of dollars annually in cash awards and in-kind scholarships. MHC also provides an annual Professional Development Series

Each year, young women ages 13-28 from across the state of Wisconsin come to Manitowoc to compete in this competition for the titles of Miss Harbor Cities and Miss Harbor Cities Teen. In 2020 & 2022, the title of Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding teen was also awarded. The winners not only receive scholarships to continue their education, but also go on to represent the Manitowoc-Two Rivers area at the annual Miss Wisconsin and Miss Wisconsin’s Teen competitions held in June, in Oshkosh, WI.  They promote the Lakeshore communities throughout their year of service…

Miss Harbor Cities Organization, Inc. - Chamber Notebook

Chamber Notebook Article:
Manitowoc Sunrise Rotary

People have been curious lately about goings on at the Manitowoc North Breakwater Lighthouse and at Red Arrow Beach.

Many are already aware that the Manitowoc North Breakwater Lighthouse is privately owned by Mr. Phil Carlucci, from Long Island NY. He purchased the Lighthouse at an auction from the US Coast Guard in 2011, and continues to take an active interest in any and all activities surrounding it. Although its light and fog signal were operational, it was automated and few people, if any, entered the lighthouse for maintenance purposes. He was required to renovate the neglected, dilapidated structure, and after spending more than $300,000, he transformed it into the beautiful, stately icon it is today…

Manitowoc Sunrise Rotary - Lighthouse Tours 2023 Sand Sculpting Festival

Chamber Notebook Article:
Crossfire Ranch

In an incredibly noisy world, there is a place where hope and joy live in abundance. It’s a place where hurting kids find hope in partnership with an equine friend and a trusted adult. It’s a place where brokenness finds healing and new life begins.
It doesn’t take long to understand the calming effects of the ranch, home to many “angels in horse hair”, our equine partners who give of themselves to many youths who come to Crossfire Ranch with a broken heart. Unplugged in an environment that grounds and helps work through layers from the inside out and the outside in….

Crossfire Ranch - Manitowoc County Chamber Notebook Article

Chamber Notebook Article:
Eis Implement

Skip the big-box stores. Go local and go American-made this holiday season. Swing into Eis Implement for a gift that is “hard to wrap and easy to give”. Maybe a new battery-powered leaf blower so you don’t have to shovel those light dusting snowfalls. Or grab a new chainsaw to cut down this year’s Christmas tree in style…

Eis Implement Two Rivers Manitowoc County Chamber Notebook Article

Chamber Notebook Article:
The Haven of Manitowoc County

In the United States, men make-up more than two-thirds of the homeless population, but are twice as likely to be unsheltered. The Haven of Manitowoc County aims to reduce that statistic by not only sheltering homeless men in our community, but also giving them the resources they need to achieve self-sufficiency. Anyone can make sure someone has a roof over their head for one night. It is the overall program, rather than just the bed, that makes for successful outcomes…

The Haven of Manitowoc County Giving Tuesday