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Email Marketing Checklist

Email marketing is one of the most effective and efficient methods to connect with your audience on a consistent and personal level. This checklist will help you create a productive email marketing strategy.  (note:  not all of these action steps will apply to every situation)

#1 I’ve identified my goal for my email marketing strategy and each message sent to subscribers. I’m

  • Motivating affiliate sales
  • Driving traffic to a sales page
  • Driving traffic to my blog/website
  • Selling/promoting a product
  • Other:______________

#2 I’ve researched and identified the autoresponder technology that will help me create an effective and efficient email marketing system. For example, AWeber. I’ve created an account and/or set up my account with the service provider, including:

  • Newsletter/email format
  • Image/graphics
  • Unsubscribe policy and procedure
  • Subscribe policy/procedure. For example do you require a double opt-in?
  • Disclaimers/copyright statement
  • Social media connections have been enabled.

#3 I’ve established a content/email schedule that consistently provides value and helps me reach my email marketing goals.

  • This schedule is one that I can follow through on by writing the content myself and managing the newsletter or by hiring assistance.
  • This schedule includes the day(s) and time(s) each email message will be sent.

#4 I know who my email list is targeting and I’ve implemented measures to motivate subscriptions. Including:

  • Download
  • Freebie
  • Special offer/promotion
  • The promise of fantastic content
  • Other__________

#5 I’ve Defined my Email Marketing Message. I’ve created a list of email topics that engage my subscribers and provide value. I know what my audience wants to know and I’ve created an email content plan to achieve it.


#6  I’ve Implemented Analytics and am using Google Analytics or my email service provider provides the data that I need to evaluate the success of each email I sent. A time has been scheduled on my weekly/monthly calendar to review the analytics and make necessary adjustments to my email marketing campaign and strategy.

#7 My email messages have attention grabbing and effective subject lines. Each email message has a test subject line so I can determine what my audience best responds to.

#8 I’ve included a call to action in each email message sent to subscribers. The call to action clearly tells readers what they should do next and there are compelling reasons to take action now.

#9 I’ve created engaging content that supports my goals for my email marketing strategy. This content provides value and motivates readers to not only remain subscribers but to also take action.

#10 I’ve tested each email and made sure that:

  • My links work
  • My email isn’t perceived as SPAM and placed in junk email folders
  • My email, whether delivered in text or html, looks good on all browsers
  • My from line is clear and apparent – people know who is sending them an email

Use this handy checklist to help you make sure you don’t miss a step when creating your email marketing messages and strategy.

If you have any questions about how any of this plays a part in your online marketing, just send me an email – I’m glad to help.

About the Author:  Ken Ivey, affectionately dubbed ‘the Web Czar’ by peers – has been helping businesses embrace technology for 27 years. Contact him at or call 920-645-2700